About CRIB

Please visit www.crib.lk and browse through our menu for more information.

The institutions coming under the definition of Section 7 B of the CRIB Act (Act No, 18 of 1990 as amended by Act No 42 of 2008) are qualified to request for membership.

YES. According to the provisions of the CRIB Act, all member institutions are legally liable to submit their customers’ credit information to the Bureau.

About Credit Information

NO. CRIB maintains a database of Credit Information provided by all the Authorized Lending Institutions islandwide. Therefore, CRIB Report gives details of all credit facilities obtained by an individual/ corporate entity from any authorized lending institution. All credit facilities irrespective of the value, type and status should be reported to CRIB and updated monthly.

YES. CRIB now includes details of cheques returned by commercial banks due to insufficient funds.


NO. However the Bureau is planning to collect such information in the near future.

Credit information is supplied by all member commercial Banks, specialized banks, authorized leasing and finance companies who are members of CRIB. The information is transferred electronically through their head offices to CRIB and are updated at the end of each month.

NO. The CRIB Act permits member institutions to access the Bureau for information strictly for the following:

  • Evaluating of a Borrower for a new credit facility.
  • Review as a guarantor for a new credit facility.
  • Review as a partner/ proprietor for a new credit facility.
  • Review as a Director for a new credit facility.
  • Monitoring and reviewing of an existing Borrower.
  • Opening of a current account.

CRIB information should not be accessed for any other reason as it would constitute an offence under the Act.

Different lending institutions may have different credit policies and evaluation criteria. Therefore, your loan application could be rejected by one institution and accepted by another. However, this kind of information does not get reported to the Bureau.

Self-Inquiry Report (iReport)

YES. You can check your credit information by obtaining your own credit report (iReport) online or from the Bureau office at the Whiteaways Building, No. 25, Sir Baron Jayatilake Mawatha, Colombo 1 on any week day between 9.00 am and 3.30 pm. The report can also be obtained through any bank by submitting the NIC and effecting a payment of Rs. 150/-. Please contact our Customer Help Desk on 011 2 13 13 13 for more information.

YES. If there are such discrepancies in your credit report, the Bureau will assist you to resolve them by contacting the relevant lending institutions. You can get more information on this Dispute Resolution process from our Customer Help Desk. CRIB can only initiate such action, when you raise a dispute with us based on any discrepancy contained in your iReport.

NO. Once the disputes are resolved, the Bureau will issue an amended iReport free of charge.

YES. Now you can apply for your own Credit Report online through the “iReport online” service. Please visit www.crib.lk and click on the "iREPORT ONLINE" icon in the Home Page to access this service. Please contact our Customer Help Desk on Call us at 011 2 13 13 13 for more information.

NO.An individual needs to prove his/her identity by submitting a valid document (NIC or Passport, Driving License) to get their own credit report. However, CRIB will accept a duly registered Power of Attorney issued on behalf of another person (the 2nd party).

NO.Currently you can request an iReport only through a bank.

YES.You can submit a valid Passport or a Driving License which indicates your NIC number. Your National Identity Card (NIC) number is critical to access credit information.

This is due to the negligence of the institution that reported your facility to the Bureau by not updating the correct position in their subsequent monthly updates (this may be due to a technical error). The process of updating information at CRIB is fully computerized and the institution concerned is responsible to ensure that information submitted is accurate and up to date. In this kind of situation, the Bureau cannot check your credit information without generating an iReport. The iReport request form empowers the Bureau to generate the report and check the issues concerned. You will only be charged the operational cost of the report.

You may request for your own credit report (iReport) and verify the actual status. If any discrepancy is observed, the Bureau will help you to correct the same by contacting the respective lending institution. Please call our Customer Help Desk on 0112 13 13 13 for more information.

The Proprietor of a sole proprietor business, Partner of a partnership or a Director of a limited liability company can only request for their company’s credit report (Corporate iReport) on behalf of the business. The Bureau is unable to verify the identity and business relations of above parties when the request is made through the Customer Help Desk. However, bankers who deal with them can verify their status with ease. The Bureau adheres strictly to the provisions governing the disclosure of credit information to relevant parties and therefore does not entertain requests for corporate iReports through the customer Help Desk. Such requests should always be forwarded to the Bureau through a member bank.

You can present the issue to the Financial Ombudsman. The Financial Ombudsman has the power to inquire into and settle any complaints and disputes between individual customers and financial institutions. His contact details are as follows.

The Financial Ombudsman
Ombudsman House
No. 143 A, Vajira Road
Colombo 05.
Contact: 0112595624
Fax: 0112595625
Email: fosril@sltnet.lk
Web: www.financialombudsman.lk

You can contact the following organization.

Upadeshana Credit Counseling Centre
No. 57, Sri Jayewardenepura Mawatha
Contact: 0112 887006 / 0112 887007
Fax: 0114 627154
Email: upadeshana@gmail.com

NO. The power to grant credit is solely with the lender. CRIB does not provide any opinion on your suitability to receive credit.


ABSOLUTELY NOT. Credit details of any individual or corporate entity who has obtained a credit facility would be stored in the CRIB. In fact, having a good repayment history in a credit report is the best reference you could have to prove your credit worthiness. This in turn will prompt lending institutions to offer the Borrower attractive terms and concessionary interest rates.

FALSE. CRIB does not blacklist anyone. It merely collects credit information and repayment records of individuals and corporate entities and furnishes such information to member institutions on demand.

CRIB does not give any opinion nor comment on whether credit should/ should not be granted to a prospective Borrower. This is decided solely by the lending institution.

When you settle your loan or pay the arrears in full, the new status will be reported to the Bureau by your lending institution at the end of that month. CRIB cannot change any data stored in its database. This process is completely computerized and only the lending institutions have access to their own data with the Bureau. The Credit Information of a Borrower is retained in the report for 5 years after the full settlement.

Credit Score and CRIB Score

Credit Score is an advanced tool that lenders use to help them anticipate how likely you are to repay your loan on time. Credit scores are also sometimes called risk scores because they help lenders assess the risk, that you won't be able to repay the debt as agreed.

Your score today is a snapshot reflecting how you have handled debts in the past. Credit scoring is about predicting your future behavior based on how you have managed your debt in the past.

The score is one of many pieces of information the lender may use in evaluating your credit application. It gives lenders a fast and objective measurement in determining the risk in lending money to you. Because of credit scores, you might get a loan faster and the credit decision may be fairer.

Please refer “Benefits of Credit Score” for further information.

A credit score plays an important role when you want to apply for a financial product from a lending institution, such as a personal loan, mortgage, or credit card. Banks and other lending institutions may use your credit score to evaluate the credibility of your financial health. It helps them understand the risks they might face if they decide to lend money to you. Essentially, it is an indicator of your financial health.

Credit score is usually a three-digit number calculated using information in the credit bureau data base. It’s a sub set of information that contain in your credit report. One way of thinking about it is to see it as a measure of risk to the lender. The higher the score, the better you managed your debt in the past, which makes it more likely that you will be considered low risk.

Your credit score today is a snapshot reflecting how you have handled debts in the past. Credit scores aren't stored as part of your credit history in the credit bureau. Rather, your score is generated each time when requested it. Your credit score can change over time, based on your credit history—including late payments, amount of available debt, and other factors that effect it.

Credit score is usually not the only thing lenders will look at when deciding to extend you credit or offer you a loan. Your credit report (iReport) contains details which could be taken into consideration. Other than your credit report and credit scores, lenders may also consider your total expenses against your monthly income, other financial commitments, some social and demographic information of you and other factors.

CRIB Score is the first credit score introduced by the CRIB. It is a 3-digit number ranging from 250 to 900 calculated based on credit information reported by the registered banks and finance/leasing companies(the member lending institutions of the Bureau) in Sri Lanka. CRIB issues two types of Scores:

  • CRIB Score - Individual
  • CRIB Score - Corporate

No. CRIB score is a value added service introduced by the CRIB. Your individual credit report (iReport) will be continued and can be accessed from the bureau.

CRIB scores are calculated using different types of credit data in your credit report. They are primarily based on following factors:

  • Past Repayment Behavior
  • Overindebtedness
  • Demographic details
  • Utilization of available credit
  • Guaranteed Contracts
  • Details on dishonored cheques
  • Inquiries made by the lending institutions
  • By lending institutions where you have applied for any new credit facility OR you are already an existing customer.
  • By yourself.
  • ‘Consumer CRIB Score’ report can be obtained directly from the Bureau or applied through a Banking institution.
  • ‘Corporate CRIB Score’ report can be obtained from the bureau, but applying ONLY through a banking institution. (Refer our ‘Downloads’ section for sample application forms)

No. your CRIB Score will not be calculated by the bureau, in following two instances:

  • We do not have sufficient/adequate information about you in our records/database.


  • Your credit profile is not existent in our records/database.

Refer our ‘Downloads’ section for specimen CRIB Score (Consumer / Corporate) reports provided with explanation and Reference Guide.