Where do lenders find funds for you?
The primary function of banks is to put your hard earned money (savings deposits) to use by lending it out to others who can then use it to finance their ‘needs’, buying a car, children’s higher ...
Read moreWhat services credit bureaus provide to lenders and individuals.
Credit information is normally categorized as positive and negative data. In some countries CBs are allowed to collect only negative data so that lenders have access to borrower’s credit lines that ...
Read moreThe Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka – a first credit bureau in South Asia.
Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka or CRIB has been established by the enactment of Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka Act No 18 of 1990. CRIB is the first credit bureau in the South Asian ...
Read moreRole of Credit Bureau
A Credit Bureau is an organization that collects and collates personal credit data on individuals and commercial entities, from financial institutions with which they have a relationship. The data ...
Read moreA role played by the Credit Bureau in the financial market.
A Credit Bureau (CB) is an independent organization that collects credit related data from lending institutions and distributes it in aggregate format to the same lending ...
Read moreManaging “Risk” in lending is paramount important
Plain truth of lending money is a risky business as you going to deal with someone’s wealth (money). But without lending as it was explained no banking can be existed. So the profitability of banking ...
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