How you can obtain your own Credit Report

According to the provisions of Credit Information Bureau Act No 18 of 1990 (as amended by Act No 42 of 2008), CRIB has been delegated with power to issue credit reports to any subject to whom that information is related to. The Bureau commenced to issue Self Inquiry Credit Reports (iReport) in December 2009.

You can now request your iReport or corporate iReport from the Credit Information Bureau of Sri Lanka. We have made it very easy and affordable.


  • Walk into the Bureau office

Call over at our office located at No 25, Sir Baron Jayathilaka Mv, Colombo 01 personally on any working day between 9 am and 3.30 pm and obtain your own credit report (iReport). ·

  • Through your Bank

You can send an iReport application through any bank to the bureau and CRIB will deliver the iReport to your home address through registered post.